Sigma Chi is a fraternity based in Christianity, with a goal of assisting in the development of students into leaders of the future and a focus based in friendship, justice, and learning. The members of the Beta Kappa Chapter of Sigma Chi are extremely excited that your son chose Sigma Chi Fraternity – it’s truly a privilege to share in this chapter in his life.  

Becoming a member in Sigma Chi might very well be the best decision your son will make during his college experience. He should experience deep, lifelong friendships only made possible by the strength of our brotherhood. Whether it be competing in intramurals, studying together, or toasting a brother at his wedding, brothers of Sigma Chi will always be along for his lifelong journey. 

At Sigma Chi, we believe the health of an organization is determined by the quality of its members.  Keep in mind the requirements for becoming a Sigma Chi member, which are set forth in the Jordan Standard, which ensures that men who are invited to pledge are worthy of membership.

Jordan Standard

The confidence of the Founders of Sigma Chi was based upon a belief that the principles which they professed and the ideal of the Fraternity which they sought were but imperfectly realized in the organizations by which they were surrounded. 

The standard with which the Fraternity started was declared by Isaac M. Jordan to be that of admitting no man to membership in Sigma Chi who is not believed to be:

A man of good character …
A student of fair ability …
With ambitious purposes …
A congenial disposition …
Possessed of good morals …
Having a high sense of honor and
A deep sense of personal responsibility.

Parent's Club

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